


Clicraft’s main configuration file is clicraft.conf, which is stored in a directory referred to as $CLICRAFT_CONFIG. This directory can be specified through several different methods. In order of preference:

  • The argument to the --config command line option

  • The $CLICRAFT_CONFIG environment variable

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clicraft/foo, where foo is how clicraft was invoked

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clicraft/default

  • /usr/local/etc/clicraft

If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set in your environment, clicraft uses ~/.config instead. Clicraft searches the directories above and uses the first one it finds for $CLICRAFT_CONFIG. If the $CLICRAFT_CONFIG directory is empty, clicraft populates it with default config files from /usr/local/etc/clicraft.

The format for clicraft.conf is bash, so configuration options take the form OPTION="value" (with no whitespace on either side of the equals sign (=)).

This file is sourced from within clicraft before the default values are set, so you must take care to initialize any options that another option depends on. For example, if you set SERVER_JAR=$SERVER_DIR/custom_server.jar without setting SERVER_DIR first, clicraft will look for /custom_server.jar, which is probably not what you want.

An example default file is located at $CLICRAFT_CONFIG/clicraft-defaults.conf. It is fairly well-commented, so it may be easiest to simply copy it to $CLICRAFT_CONFIG/clicraft.conf and follow the directions inside for customization.


In addition to the options listed below, clicraft.conf can include any extra variables you wish to use in custom action scripts.


The terminal multiplexer to use. Valid values are "tmux" and "screen".

Default: "tmux"


The directory that the server is launched from. Clicraft switches to this directory before performing any action, so this is the directory that your world data,, and server log (among other things) resides in. Most relative paths are taken with respect to this directory.

Default: "/usr/local/var/lib/clicraft"


An identifier for the server. This is the value used to set the multiplexer’s window and session names when starting the server. It is also used in some informational messages.

Default: "minecraft"


The location of the server jar on disk.

Default: "$SERVER_DIR/minecraft_server.jar" (but see SERVER_TYPE, below)


The url to download SERVER_JAR from.

Default: "" (but see SERVER_TYPE, below)


The location of the server log file

Default: "$SERVER_DIR/logs/latest.log"


The server version. This will replace any instances of %v in DOWNLOAD_COMMAND. If set to "release" or "snapshot", the latest Minecraft release or snapshot version will be substituted instead.

Default: "release"


The minecraft implementation this server uses. Valid values are "minecraft" and "bukkit".

For convenience, if this option is set to "bukkit", SERVER_JAR and SERVER_URL will take on default values such that the server uses Bukkit Recommended Builds, instead of the vanilla minecraft jar. That is, they will have these default values:


Default: "minecraft"

START_COMMAND="/path/to/command [options]"

The command that should be used to launch the server.

The shell expands this option twice, so care must be taken to protect whitespace and special characters.

Default: "java -jar $SERVER_JAR nogui"


The command to send to the server console to shut the server down.

Default: "stop"

DOWNLOAD_COMMAND="/path/to/command [options]"

The command used to download or update the server jar. Running this command should result in SERVER_URL being downloaded and saved to SERVER_JAR.

The shell expands this option twice, so care must be taken to protect whitespace and special characters.

Default: "curl -#fL -o $SERVER_JAR $SERVER_URL"


The amount of time, in seconds, that clicraft will wait for critical operations to finish.

Default: "20"


The amount of time, in seconds, that clicraft will wait for the server to start up.

Default: $TIMEOUT


The amount of time, in seconds, that clicraft will wait for the server to shut down.

Default: $TIMEOUT


The amount of time, in seconds, that clicraft will wait for a command to finish when using clicraft cmd.

Default: $TIMEOUT


The string to strip from the beginning of commands passed to clicraft cmd.

Default: "/"


The location of the regex database. Each line of this file should consist of a key followed by a space followed by an extended regular expression. Any occurences of a slash (/) in the regular expression should be escaped with a backslash (\).

In addition, a regular expression which begins with two start-of-line anchors (^^) may have special meaning. Typically, this sequence of characters will be replaced with ^timestamp, where timestamp is the value of the timestamp database entry.

Default: "$CLICRAFT_CONFIG/redb/$"

See Also


Report any and all bugs to the clicraft issue tracker with as much detail as possible.


To see a full list of contributors, use git shortlog -s in the clicraft git repository.