i3scratchmark - Flip through scratchpad windows.
i3scratchmark [-s] [-m <mark>] [-c <command>] [-i <i3-command>]
By default, i3scratchmark flips through scratchpad windows. With -m
, it
toggles between showing and hiding a marked scratchpad window.
- -m <mark> (default: cycle)
If mark is
, flip through scratchpad windows. This is the default behavior.Otherwise, toggle between showing and hiding the scratchpad window marked with mark.
If no such window exists and the active window is floating, mark it with mark and send it to the scratchpad.
Otherwise, run the command specified by the -c option, mark the next launched window with mark, and send it to the scratchpad.
- -c <command> (default: i3-sensible-terminal)
The command to run if no mark exists for the -m option and the active window is tiled.
Note that if the command does not create a new window, the -m option will send whatever window is created next to the scratchpad, which is usually not what you want.
- -i <i3-command> (default: '')
An i3 command to run after the -m option marks a window. Can be specified multiple times.
- -s
Equivalent to
-i 'sticky enable'
. Makes newly marked windows sticky.
Keybindings for i3’s config:
bindsym $mod+period exec i3scratchmark -m scratch -s -c urxvt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+period exec i3scratchmark -m itch -s -c none
bindsym $mod+comma exec i3scratchmark
bindsym $mod+Mod1+comma move scratchpad
i3scratchmark was written by DMBuce.
The latest version of i3scratchmark can be downloaded from the i3b project.