

Noedia is but a parcel of the known cosmos. It is permeated with mirror planes of dreams and nightmares, and surrounded on all sides by seas of timeless perfection and elemental chaos.


Dreamscape is a distorted mirror of Noedia, existing alongside it. It is a foggy realm of wishes and phobias, and it can sometimes be entered in sleep. Time passes slower here, and entire lifetimes can be lived out in the space of a few hours in the material realm.

Shadow Realm

The Shadow Realm is a twisted shadow of Noedia that exists alongside it, full of dark nightmares and necromantic black magic. The space of this plane is distorted, and great distances can be traveled in the material realm by taking but a few footsteps here.


Leagues below the surface of our world, the raw elements of Limbo churn in a chaotic sea of creation and destruction.


At the heart of Limbo lies Hell, a vast city of demons ruled by the Devil himself. This is a city of pain and suffering where mortals are condemned to an eternity of torture and madness.

Great Blue Cloud

Above Noedia, the Great Blue Cloud is a realm of cherubs and angels ruled by Elcreus. It is from this kingdom that the cloudwrights, windsmiths, and raincallers under Elcreus' command control the weather of the land below.

Astral Sea

Far above the Great Blue Cloud lies the Astral Sea, a vast, timeless ocean that can be seen from Noedia as the night sky. The stars that dot it are the cities and citadels of the greatest of gods. The brightest of these are the twin city-stars of Mount Celestia, home of the family of Elder Gods, and the Golden City, home to Palad and Thrinn.